Sunday, November 12, 2017

English Club

An English Club is one of the suitable forums to explore and improve peoples braveness to speak English in public.  In the English club, people will find many different conditions compared to the class room, and it will be a new motivation for them to learn, not only about the theory but also real practice there. People have more chances in the English club to explore their ability like speaking. In English club activities people will be forced to speak in English with other people in that club. When they know that they are able to do that, it will increase people’s confidence and finally they will find that they are brave to speak in public. Nunan (1991:39) argued that success in learning a language is measured in terms of the ability to carry out conversation in the target language. Speaking skill is the priority skill to be learned.
It also supported by Benwell (2010:1)
Starting an English club is a great way to make new lasting friendships and new motivations. It is important to have good ESL/EFL friends because your confidence will increase if you do. You will feel more comfortable using English around people you trust and have fun with”.
            To make English club can run constantly, it should be managed well started from deciding the time (when and how long it is conducted), members of English Club, regulation and activities or materials. Time also plays role in developing of an English club. Because of tight schedule of learning, sometimes English Club is conducted after school time. It is not effective because it will make students tired. Duration of time is also should be considered because if it is too long it will make students bored. While for members of English Club, Thompson as reported in VOA Learning English says that the age and language level of your English club members will make a difference in what activities you should choose. For clubs with younger participants, more organized activities might work better. But for clubs with older members, informal meetings that encourage discussion are effective. It is important to know your club members and the kinds of interests they have.
            The implementation of an extracurricular such English club also depends on how a principal cares with this program. Principals have a power to instruct English teacher to design or conduct English club. The actions principals take to develop a productive and satisfying work environment for teachers and desirable learning conditions and outcomes for children (Greenfield, 1987, 24). It means that principals can make a policy how to implement an English Club in a school. It is a video of English Club training. 
