Andri Donal
University of Pasir
Ability to construct a good sentence is a
requirement in writing an essay. However some
students often found some difficulties in organizing the good sentences. They
may face difficulties in various aspects, including grammar. Those difficulties
faced by students are what then become mistakes or errors. The main focus of
this study is to find out the types of errors in constructing sentences and the
frequency of error occurrence in each type. This research is descriptive design
with the sample from the second year students of English Education Program of University
of Pasir Pengaraian. The data analysis was using error analysis by classifying
the students’ errors based on the surface strategy taxonomy errors involving
omission, addition, misformation, and misordering. From the finding of the
study, it reveals that the high frequency of error occurrence is error of
omission with 40 times which means 37.7 % of error total. The next most error
made by the students was in Error of misformation with 37 times or 34.9%. The
students made 21 times of Error of Addition or 19.8 %. They also made 8 times
of Error of misorder or 7.5 %. Based on these findings, it can be concluded
that the students still have problems in constructing sentences when writing an
Key words: error
analysis, surface strategy taxonomy errors, sentences, essay
English has become a need for people around the world. In Indonesia, English is
used as foreign language that has been a compulsory subject for junior and
senior high school. Even, for some areas, it has been taught from the
kindergarten until university. In this case, the students are expected to have
English competences both English component and English skills. The English
components involve grammatical structure and vocabulary; While English skills involve
listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
English is not used in daily communication. It is only used as a subject in
classroom teaching and learning process. Considering the status of English as a
foreign language in Indonesia, it implies the students’ opportunity to develop
their English skills only happen in their English classes. Students may not be
able to have adequate capability in using English in their environment that
result in the lack of environment of their English. This causes them to make
errors in using English skills and English component, especially in the
productive skills that is writing and speaking.
one of language skills, writing should be mastered by the students in language
learning. There are many aspects that should be considered in writing;
organization of writing, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and diction.
Thus, grammar is also as one of the important parts in writing that may play
essential role in how the writing is presumed. However, writing an essay is not
easy for English foreign language (EFL) students. Some students often get difficulties in
organizing the good sentences. In the real practice of writing, it is not all
students doing well. Some may face difficulties in various aspects, including
grammar one. Those difficulties faced by students are what then become mistakes
or errors.
learning process, making errors is natural. It is also true that knowing the
error can be very important. The mistakes or errors can be used as reference to
know the progress of learning. In specific case, like writing class, it is
quite difficult for teacher to discover any difficulties faced by students.
Students will not be able to fully express their problem because they do not
know how to start expressing what they have not understood. Thus, knowing the
error will be very helpful. Teacher can see the errors to evaluate what has
been achieved and what is lack. By knowing the mistakes or errors, teacher can
find specific problems or difficulties had by students and, further, improve
the certain point that is lacking.
In University of Pasir
Pengaraian, writing is a compulsory subject for English Study Program Students.
It is considered as one prior skill to be mastered by the students. What they
have learned needs checking. The fact is that on their level (second year
students of English Education Program), they should have been able to construct
kinds of sentence as a base to compose an essay. They also must have had the
basis which could mean vocabulary and grammar rules. Thus, it is necessary to
know whether the students have achieved the level based on what they have
learned or not.
way to assess the students’ understanding of applying the target language is by
evaluating the students’ writing. This writing task could be a kind of
integrated learning process, in which grammar as a part of writing aspects
could be assessed separately. In short, by analyzing these students’ writing,
teacher can have some inputs related to teaching-learning process, including
any information about the students’ grammar achievement. This study focuses on
studying any errors that the second year students of English Education Program
of University of Pasir Pengaraian made in constructing sentences in essay.
of Related Literature
A. The Nature of Writing in Language Learning
The process of acquiring
first language and second or foreign language is different. The acquisition of
one’s first language is a lifelong process, but the basic skills are acquired
quite early in life. However, when learning another language, we have to add
to, change, and readjust our native language strategies to fit the new language
and culture (Celce-Murcia and Elite Olshtain, 2000:3). Moreover, in acquiring
first language, someone tends to unaware with the regulations of a language.
Oppositely when someone learns foreign language, he or she learns not only the
skills such as speaking, writing, listening and reading but also the components
of a language like grammar and vocabulary. Developing all those skills is very
important since language function is a mean of communication, and communication
means the application of those skills.
Compared to other
skills, writing involves more structural aspects to consider. In reading, for
instance, pronunciation and intonation are the only aspects strongly counted,
in which speaking also deals with the both aspects. Seen from the types of
skill, writing is included into productive skill. According to Wright (2006:4),
speaking and writing are productive skill by the mean people express ideas by
producing language in oral form or written form. Speaking and writing may have
some similar characteristics, such as consideration of grammar, organizing
idea, and some other linguistic features (like pronunciation and intonation in
speaking, or punctuation and capitalization in writing). Thus, it can be
concluded that both speaking and writing consider grammar aspect.
However, there are some
differences between writing and speaking. According to White (1987:260) the
differences between writing and speaking are; first, writing is displaced by time.
Second, it concerns in the explicitness of the message. The last is in the use
of expressive features. It can be implied that these differences include that
language in writing is more detail than that in speaking. Moreover, speaking
tends to have non-complete sentences, less specific vocabulary, and loose
grammar. In other hand, written language attends much to the mechanics of
writing (spelling, capitalization, and punctuation) and grammar rules. Not only
that, the use of oral skill is much more than written skill. That is the reason
why writing is considered more complicated than other skills.
For English language
learner, writing is one of skills that should be mastered. Nunan (1999:271)
says that writing is one of language skills must be mastered by the student in
language learning. In terms of skills, producing a coherent, fluent, extended
piece of writing is probably the most difficult thing there is to do in
language. Sattayatham
and Ratanapinyowong (2008) mention that In terms of ESL or EFL
instruction, writing helps students learn in reinforcing the grammatical
structures, idioms, and vocabulary, giving a chance to be adventurous with the language,
to go beyond what they have just learned to say, to take risks, and becoming
them involved with the new language; the effort to express ideas and the
constant use of eyes, hand, and brain is a unique way to reinforce learning.
Burns and Joyce (in
Nunan, 1999: 278-279) add that unlike spoken language which tends to be
unrehearsed and spontaneous, writing is editable and redrafted. Writing also
put grammar as important point. That means that writer has space in which
he/she can check and recheck his/her writing composition, including checking
grammar, in order to minimize the possibility of making error or mistakes. It
is necessary to know that without doing those checking and editing, writer may
make unintentional errors (in grammar). The “unintentional errors” meant are
any errors which actually the writer has understood or known how the correct
construction should be. The writing process is very detail. The product of
writing which has passed some basic writing steps (rechecking, redrafting or
editing) should tend not to have the unintentional errors which means lacking
grammar proficiency. A synthesis is then can be created which states that any
grammar errors in writing may strongly indicate someone’s proficiency in
grammar. In simple words, if writer still makes any errors after applying some
editing or redrafting steps in writing, it can be concluded he/she has lack
proficiency of grammar.
Errors in Writing
English as a foreign language (EFL) becomes more difficult to understand
because between first language and English as foreign language are different
which process two different system (e.g., phonetic, phonological, syntactic,
and semantic system). Due to above conditions, the English learners sometimes
produce the errors in their speech and writing. Spillner, (1991: ix) states
that in contrastive linguistics, errors produced in the process of foreign
language acquisition are thought to be caused by more or less unconscious
transfer (in the mind of the learner) of mother tongue structures to the system
of the target language. Insofar as there are considerable contrasts between the
two language systems, there is, according to this hypothesis, a high
probability of negative transfer, resulting in errors within target language
differentiating the term error and mistake is confusing. Bartram and Walton
(1991: 1) state that mistakes can be categorized into “errors”, “slips”,
lapses” and, of course, “mistakes”. Nunan (1999: 307) defines “error” as a
piece of speech or writing that is recognizably different in some way from
native speaker usage, which can occur at the level of discourse, grammar,
vocabulary, or pronunciation. Corder in Gass and Selinker (2001: 78) states that errors are ‘the result
of some failure of performance’. While mistakes are akin to slips of the tongue
and recognizable (by the mistakes maker), error is systematic in which it is
likely to occur repeatedly and is not recognized by learner. Similarly, Norrish
(1983:7) defines ‘an error’ as a systematic deviation that happens when a
learner has not learnt something and consistently ‘get(s) it wrong’. James (1998:1)
identifies a language error as an unsuccessful bit of language. Errors are also
considered natural products in language learning and in fact reflect the modes
of learners' developing interlanguage system (Wang, 2008:186). It can be
concluded that errors tend to be caused by imperfect or lack of competence. While
mistakes or lapses are caused by stress, fatigue, boredom, emotion, or
learners’ slips of the tongue and tend to be not systematic.
The research design of this research is descriptive.
It was conducted by collecting data in natural classroom situation without
altering the situation in any way. In this case, this study intends to reveal
what errors appear most in the learners’ writing. Secondly, qualitative
research studies real-world behavior as it occurs in the natural setting as
they are found.
The research was conducted in English Study Program
of University of Pasir Pengaraian, Riau. In conducting this research,
researcher chooses the second year which has 42 students because they are
considered capable in writing due to learn writing subjects. The data in this
research were obtained from the students’ writing products. The writing
products are a scientific writing related to English teaching. Students are
given freedom to choose the topic. The texts that are written by the students should
be at least three paragraphs. The focus is on the errors made by the students.
There were some steps in applying the error analysis to
analyze the data. The following steps are based on the procedure proposed by
Brown (2000: 220). The steps meant are explained bellow.
1. Identification of Errors
Identification of errors here refers to the identification of
any deviations in English complex sentences which possibly could be found in the
students’ writing.
2. Classification of error
After the errors have been identified, the next step is
classifying them into their types. A comparison between the original forms made
by the students and the reconstruction of those forms in the target language
indicate to which type of error belongs. The classification of error was done
based on surface strategy taxonomy proposed by Dulay et.al (1982 : 154) which
is classified into omission, addition, misformation, and misordering.
3. Tabulating the Errors
the two procedures above, this research counted the frequency of occurrence of
the error on the English complex sentences made by the students. It is needed
to figure out the frequency of the errors previously identified and classified.
The error are then counted and tabulated, and the number of errors is presented
in the form of percentage.
identifying the errors in the students’ writing and classifying the errors
based on surface strategy taxonomy and the proportion of each error was
calculated. Then, the next step is describing the errors in terms of their
types and proportions. In the description of each error, the researcher examined
the sentences containing errors, took those which can be taken as
representatives and analyzed them based on the surface strategy taxonomy.
Research Findings and Discussion
findings of this research consist of types of error and tabulation of error
occurred in students’ essay.
1. Types of Errors
Based on identification towards students’ writing, the
errors found in students writing were classified into omission, addition,
misformation, and misordering.
a. Errors of Omission
This type of error was any form of the absence of an
item that must appear in a well-formed utterance. This included:
1) Omission of {-s/-es} as plural marker
One common error made by the students is the omission of {-s/-es} as
plural marker. In regular pattern, word or form which expresses more than one
should be marked by {-s/-es} in the end of the word to indicate the plural mark.
Here are the examples of students’ error.
As a student, I have some strategy
in learning to improve my English skills.
In the example above, {-ies} should be attached to the word strategy to
show the number of more than one. Thus, the reconstructed sentence should be:
As a student, I have some
strategies in learning to improve my English skills.
2) Omission of “to be” as ordinary verb in nominal
In constructing nominal sentence, a writer should put verb in the form of
“to be”. The “to be” could be is, am, are, was, were, be, and other
possible forms of it, based on the subject and tense. The sentence below is the
example of such omission.
Today, technology important
for people around the world.
The sentence above is wrong because in nominal sentence, like the example
above, it should be put verb in the form of “to be”.
Thus, the reconstructed sentence should be:
Today, technology is important
for people around the world.
3) Omission of auxiliary verb
students made error by omitting auxiliary verb when constructing negative or
interrogative sentence. Auxiliary verb is a verb that gives grammatical
information, for example about tense, which is not given by the main verb in a
sentence. The “auxiliary verb” could be does, do, or did. Here is the example of students’ error in
the omission of auxiliary verb.
When I arrived to classroom, I not see my friends there.
The sentence above is wrong, because for negative
sentence, the writer should put “do” as auxiliary verb to construct the
right form of negative sentence. Thus, the correct construction is:
When I arrived to classroom, I did not see my friends there.
4) Omission of
is a word which is used before a noun, a noun phrase, or a pronoun, connecting
it to another word. The sentence below contains the omission of preposition.
know the bad impact smoking for our
“of” should be placed in the sentence between words “impact” and “smoking”. The
reconstructed sentence is:
know the bad impact of smoking for
our health.
5) Omission of
minimum requirement of a good sentence is that there should have one subject
and verb. However, students used to make error by omitting the subject, such in
the example below.
and English skill are important for students because can help us in finding the job.
sentence above is incomplete because at the second clause, the sentence has no
subject. Thus, the correct one is:
and English skill are important for students because they can help us in finding the job.
6) Omission of
third person singular verb
writing a simple present tense sentences, a writer must consider the subject
and verb agreement. When the subject is the third person singular, the verb
must be added {-s/-es}. However, it can be an error for some students. The
following is the example of the omission.
teacher often give us suggestion about our study.
sentence above is incorrect because the subject of the sentence, “the teacher”
is the third person singular subject. The form of the verb should be
attached with {-s} to indicate third person singular verb. The correct sentence
teacher often gives us suggestion about our study.
7) Omission of
of punctuation marks usually used in writing is comma (,). When someone writes a
complex sentence started by a subordinator, a comma is required at the end of
the dependent clause. It means that when placing dependent clauses in the
beginning, the writer needs commas at the end of dependent clause. The
following sentence contains the omission of comma.
by having computer and English skills
the students will be able to get the job easily.
complex sentence is placing dependent clauses in the beginning, so it needs
comma. The correct sentence is then:
by having computer and English skills, the
students will be able to get the job easily.
b. Errors of Addition
type of this error usually appears by adding any unnecessary morphemes in a
sentence. Here are types and examples of addition errors found in the students’
1) Addition of determiner
of the confusing elements of grammar is the using of determiner “the”. Determiner
“the” must be placed before the word “most” when it is used as superlative
degree of “much”. However, the word “most” also has meaning as “more than a
half of something”. In this case, determiner “the” is needed for specific thing
or person only. Students used to make error by adding determiner “the” for that
following is the example of addition of determiner.
The most of male students in my village cannot operate the
In the example above, the subject is not specific. So, it is not need
placing determiner “the” before it. Thus, the determiner should be omitted. The
correct one should be:
Most of male students in my village cannot operate the computer.
2) Addition of “to be” as auxiliary verb
Students usually made error in writing a verbal sentence. Most of
students still use auxiliary verb in verbal sentence. The sentence below
contains this kind of addition error.
am get many advantages from learning
computer in my campus.
Auxiliary verb “am”
in the sentence above cannot be putted together in a sentence with verb. So, the
auxiliary verb “am” should be omitted. The correct one is:
get many advantages from learning
computer in my campus.
3) Addition of
plural marker
also made an error by adding plural marker such {-s/-es) in singular noun. The
sentence below is the example of this kind of addition error.
Andi, my friends in this university is a good students.
the sentence above, the student made two errors in using plural mark. First,
students wrote “Andi, my friends”. It is wrong because Andi is singular but the
writer wrote “my best friends” where {-s} in the word friends indicates the
plural form. Another error is the article a mainly seen as singular. Thus, {-s}in
word students as plural marker is not necessary, and the correct one is:
Andi, my friend in this university is a good student.
4) Addition of
preposition in writing sometimes can make students confused. One of students’
errors is in using prepositional “to” after modals auxiliary. Here is the example
of student’s error.
globalization era, students must to
study many skills such as English, computer, and etc.
auxiliaries have specific characteristics. First, verb that is used after modal
should be in the form of bare infinitive (without “to”). Second, the verb after
modal cannot be added by -s/ -es/ -ed/ -ing. In the sentence above “to” is used
after modal “must”. Then, “to” is not necessary used. The correct one is then:
globalization era, students must study
many skills such as English, computer, and etc.
5) Addition of Third
person plural verb
of pronoun is attached before verb. The verb can be in the form of bare
infinitive with or without -s/ -es/ -ed/ -ing depends on the subjects and the
tenses used. The example of error in addition of third person plural is below.
week, the students must practice how to speak English well because if they wants to succeed in learning
The verb attached
after the third person plural pronoun in present tense should be written
without addition -s/ -es/ -ed/ -ing. Thus, the addition “s” of the verb from
the example above is not necessarily used. Then, the construction should be:
Every week, the
students must practice how to speak English well because if they want to succeed in learning
c. Misformation
Misformation errors were characterized by the use of
wrong form of the morpheme or the structure. Some substitution errors found in
the students’ writing included misformation of:
1) Misformation of
Passive construction
passive voice sentence is considered difficult for students. They miss the
regulation and form of passive voice sentence. Passive voice is mainly
constructed by “to be” + “past participle verb”. The example of misformation of
passive construction is below.
Smoking prohibited because it
can damage our lungs.
sentence above is wrong because in constructing passive sentence, the writer
should put appropriate to be before verb “prohibited”. The correct one should
Smoking is prohibited because
it can damage our lungs.
2) Misformation of
students used pronoun does not refer to appropriate reference. Here is the
example of student’s error in using pronouns.
the technologies are important
because it can help students in
error in that sentence is the using of pronoun “it” to refer word “the
technologies”. It is wrong because the word “the technologies” indicates the
plural nouns but the student used pronoun it.
The correct sentence is:
the technologies are important
because they can help students in
3) Misformation of
are confusing for students because the form of verb is much influenced by tense
used. Thus, when the form does not represent the time when the event occurs, it
will cause error. The example of misformation of tense is below.
Last holiday, my friends and I go to Bukit Tinggi in West Sumatera.
Seen from the
adverb of time, the event in that sentence occurred in the past. However, the
student used the verb in present form (go). The correct formation should be:
Last holiday, my friends and I went to Bukit Tinggi in West Sumatera.
4) Misformation of
To be
form of “to be” is always influenced by the quantity of the subject. When the
“to be” does not fit the subject, it will cause error, as in example below.
I usually go to computer laboratory; however some computers is broken.
As the subject is
“some computers”, the appropriate form of “to be” should be “are”. Thus, the
correct construction is:
I usually go to computer laboratory; however some computers are broken.
5) Misformation of
Plural – singular noun
change the singular noun into plural form can be difficult for students. They
tend to make error in forming irregular plural noun. The example of this kind
of error is below.
My old sister has two
The plural form of child is not childs but it
should be children. Then, the correct construction should be:
My old sister has two
6) Misformation of
Comparative and superlative form of adjective
are three kinds of the degrees of comparison (positive degree, comparative
degree, and superlative degree).The example of error made by student is as
The computer today is more fast
than the old one.
The word “fast” has
only one syllable and, in comparative form, it should be attached by {-er}
instead of “more”. Thus, the correct one is:
The computer today is faster
than the old one.
d. Misordering
in misorder refers to any incorrect placement of a morpheme or a group of
morphemes in a sentence. This might happen in both sentence and phrase. The
word order errors found in the students’ writing included misorder of:
1) Misordering of
Noun phrase
in noun phrase generally places in the end of the construction. The example of
this error is as below.
Although I cannot speak English well, I want to be a student clever.
Noun phrase
generally places the head in the end of construction. In the example above, “student”
is the head, then, the construction should be as below.
Although I cannot speak English well, I want to be a clever student.
2) Misordering of
Negative form
there are two verbs gathered in sentence both in affirmative and negative
sentence, it should be given to between the both verbs. For affirmative
the pattern should be “V+ to+ V” and for negative “V+ not+ to+ V”. The
following example shows this misordering error.
Our teacher always suggests us to
not give up in studying English.
In the example
above, to is placed in the former rather than in the latter. Thus the
construction should be:
Our teacher always suggests us not
to give up in studying English.
2. Tabulation of the Errors
which had been identified and classified were then tabulated. The tabulation
was presented in the form of percentage. The tabulation of students’ error in
constructing the essay can be seen on the following tables.
Table 1. Types
and number of Errors in constructing sentences in Essay
Types of Error
1 was presented to show the distribution of students’ error in constructing
sentences in essay. After the errors were calculated by tabulating them,
researcher found various types of errors which total were 106 errors. From the
table as the result of tabulation, it can be seen that the second year students
of English Education Program of University of Pasir Pengaraian made most error
in Error of omission that was 40 times which means 37.7 % of error total. The
next most error made by the students was in Error of misformation with 37 times
or 34.9%. The students made 21 times of Error of Addition or 19.8 %. They also
made 8 times of Error of Misorder or 7.5 %. It means that students more
frequently made errors of omission.
According to Dulay, et al. (1982: 154) the error types are based on
surface strategy taxonomy into omission, addition, misformation , and misordering.
The objective of this study
was to uncover common various kinds’ error of misconstruction of sentences in
the writing of second year students of English Education Program of University
of Pasir Pengaraian, Rokan Hulu, Riau. After the findings of the errors found, then
they were described from those which most frequently occurred to the most
rarely occurred.
The result of this research is in line with the result of Dulay’s
research (Dulay et.at, 1982: 154) where those omission errors are found in
greater abundance and across a greater variety of morphemes during the early
stages of second or foreign language acquisition. In addition, teacher should
use this data to help them in improving their writing. Pastor and Mestre
(2013:8) say that Errors detected in
writing can provide us with knowledge of production and help us to understand the mechanisms that
the speaker of a foreign language employs. However, too much
error correction could frustrate students and even overwhelm students'
motivation and interest of learning the TL language (Wang, 2008:186).
The research shows that the second year
students of English Education Program of University of Pasir Pengaraian Rokan Hulu made various
kinds of errors in constructing English sentences. Errors they had made were
categorized into error of omission, addition, misformation, and misordering.
From the finding of the study, it reveals that the high frequency of error occurrence
is error of omission with 40 times which means 37.7 % of error total. The next
most error made by the students was in Error of misformation with 37 times or 34.9%.
The students made 21 times of Error of Addition or 19.8 %. They also made 8
times of Error of misorder or 7.5 %.
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Other research result
1. An Analysis of Students' Skill in Using Conjunction in Recount Text
2. Classroom Action Research
3. Site for improving writing skill