Right now, linguistics is a growing and interesting
area of study, having a direct hearing on fields as diverse as education,
anthropology, sociology, language teaching, cognitive psychology and
philosophy. What is linguistics? Fundamentally, it is concerned with the
nature of language and communication.
Some of the definitions of linguistics are as under:
1. “Linguistics observes language in action as a
means for determining how language has developed, how it functions today, and
how it is currently evolving.” (G. Duffy)
“Linguistics is concerned with the nature of human language, how it is learned
and what part it plays in the life of the individual and the community.” (S.
Pit Corder)
“Linguistics tries to answer two basic questions:
What is language?
How does language work.” (Jean Aitchison)
4. “The
scientific study of human language is called linguistics”. (Victoria A.
Linguistics is
the scientific study of language. By this we mean language in general, not a
particular language. If we were concerned with studying an individual language,
we would say ‘I’m studying French... or English,’ or whichever language we
happen to be studying. But linguistics does not study an individual language,
it studies ‘language’ in general. That is, according to Robins (1985), linguistics
is concerned with human language as a universal and recognizable part of the
human behaviour and of the human faculties, perhaps one of the most essential
to human life as we know it, and one of the most far-reaching of human
capabilities in relation to the whole span of mankind’s achievements.
Does this not
sound a little abstract? It is, because there is no way of studying ‘language’
without referring to and taking examples from particular languages. However,
even while doing so, the emphasis of linguistics is different. Linguistics does
not emphasise practical knowledge or mastery of a particular language.
Linguists may know only one language, or may know several, or may even study a
language they do not know at all. What they are trying to study are the ways in
which language is organised to fulfil human needs, as a system of
communication. There is a difference between a person who knows many languages
(called a polyglot), and a linguist, who studies general
principles of language organisation and language behaviour, often with
reference to some actual language or languages. Any language can be taken up to
illustrate the principles of language organisation, because all languages
reveal something of the nature of language in general. (Of course, it may he of
help to a linguist to know more languages so that differences and contrasts as
well as similarities between the languages can also be studied in a better
way.) We can say that linguistics is learning about language rather than
learning a language. This distinction is often explained as the difference
between learning how a car works and learning how to drive a car. When we learn
how to drive a car, we learn a set of habits and do some practice—this is
similar to learning how to speak a language. When we learn how the car works,
we open up its mechanism, study it and investigate the relationship of its
parts to one another. This is similar to what we do in a scientific study of
language, or linguistics: we investigate the mechanism of language, its parts
and how all these parts fit together to perform particular functions, and why
they are arranged or organised in a certain manner. Just as while driving a
car, we are using its various components, while speaking a language we are
using the sounds, words, etc. of that language; behind these uses is the
mechanism which enables us to do so. We study language because it is important
for us to understand this mechanism.
Linguistics As
A Science
Linguistics can he understood as a science in both
general and specific terms. Generally, we use the term ‘science’ for any
knowledge that is based on clear, systematic and rational understanding. Thus
we often speak of the ‘science of politics’ or statecraft, or ‘the science of
cooking’. However, we also use the term ‘science’ for the systematic study of
phenomena enabling us to state some principles or theories regarding the
phenomena; this study proceeds by examination of publicly verifiable data
obtained through observation of phenomena, and experimentation; in other words,
it is empirical and objective. Science must also provide explanation
after adequate observation of data, which should be consistent, i.e.
there should be no contradictions between different parts of the explanation or
statement; and economical, i.e. a precise and non-redundant manner of
statement is to be preferred.
Let us apply
these criteria of science to linguistics. Linguistics studies language:
language is a phenomenon which is both objective and variable. Like natural
phenomena in the physical world, it has a concrete shape and occurrence. In the
same way as a physicist or chemist takes materials and measures their weights, densities
etc. to determine their nature, the linguist studies the components of
language, e.g. observing the occurrence of speech-sounds, or the way in which
words begin or end. Language, like other phenomena, is objective because it is
observable with the senses, i.e., it can be heard with the ear, it can be seen
when the vocal organs are in movement, or when reading words on a page.
leads to processes of classification and definition. In science, each
observable phenomenon is to be given a precise explanation. Its nature has to
be described completely. Thus, for example, the chemist classifies elements
into metals and non-metals; a biologist classifies living things into plants
and animals. In the same way, linguistics observes the features of language,
classifies these features as being sound features of particular types, or words
belonging to particular classes on the basis of similarity or difference with
other sounds and words. But while linguistics shares some of characteristics of
empirical science, it is also a social science because it studies language
which is a form of social behaviour and exists in interaction between human
beings in society. Language is also linked to human mental processes. For these
reasons, it cannot be treated always as objective phenomena.
In empirical
sciences, the methods of observation and experimentation are known as inductive
procedures. This means that phenomena are observed and data is collected
without any preconceived idea or theory, and after the data is studied, some
theory is formulated. This has been the main tradition in the history of
western science. But there is an opposing tradition the tradition of
rationalism, which holds that the mind forms certain concepts or ideas
beforehand in terms of which it interprets the data of observation and
experience. According to this tradition, the deductive procedure is employed in
which we have a preliminary hypothesis or theory in our minds which we then try
to prove by applying it to the data. This procedure was considered to be
unscientific according to the empirical scientists because they felt that
pre-existent ideas can influence the kind of data we obtain i.e. we search only
for those pieces of data that fit our theory and disregard others and therefore
it is not an objective method. On the other hand, it has been observed by some
thinkers (such as Popper) that no observation can be free of some theory; it
cannot be totally neutral.
We can,
however, reconcile these two procedures. There are aspects of language which we
can observe quite easily and which offer concrete instances of objective and
verifiable data. At the same time, we need to create hypothesis to explain this
data, so we may create tentative or working hypothesis to explain this data, which
we may accept, reject or modify as we proceed further. With such an open
attitude, we may collect more data. This alternation of inductive and deductive
procedures may help us to arrive at explanations which meet all the
requirements of science, i.e. they are exhaustive, consistent and concise.
linguistics is both an empirical science and a social science. In fact, it is a
human discipline since it is concerned with human language; so it is part of
the study of humanities as well. This includes the study of literature, and
appreciation of the beauty and music of poetry. In understanding language,
humankind can understand itself. Moreover, since every branch of knowledge uses
language, linguistics is central to all areas of knowledge. In regard to linguistics,
the traditional distinctions of science, art and humanities are not relevant.
As Lyons puts it, linguistics has natural links with a wide range of academic
disciplines. To say that linguistics is a science is not to deny that, by
virtue of its subject matter, it is closely related to such eminently human
disciplines as philosophy and literary criticism.
Scope of
today is a subject of study, independent of other disciplines. Before the
twentieth century, the study of language was not regarded as a separate area of
study in its own right. It was considered to he a part of studying the history
of language or the philosophy of language, and this was known not as
linguistics but as philosophy. So ‘Linguistics’ is a modern name which defines
a specific discipline, in which we study language not in relation to some other
area such as history or philosophy, but language as itself, as a self enclosed
and autonomous system, worthy of study in its own right. It was necessary at
the beginning of the growth of modern linguistics to define this autonomy of
the subject, otherwise it would not have been possible to study the language
system with the depth and exhaustiveness which it requires. However, now we
acknowledge that while linguistics is a distinct area of study, it is also
linked to other disciplines and there are overlapping areas of concern.
The main
concern of modern linguistics is to describe language, to study its nature and
to establish a theory of language. That is, it aims at studying the components
of the language system and to ultimately arrive at an explanatory statement on
how the system works. In modern linguistics, the activity of describing the
language system is the most important and so modern linguistics is generally
known as descriptive. But linguistics has other concerns as well, which fall
within its scope and these include historical and comparative study of
language. These differ from the descriptive approach in their emphasis;
otherwise, these approaches also involve description of language.
Levels of
Linguistic Analysis
In studying
language which is the subject-matter of linguistics, we mark or sub-divide the
area in order to study it in an analytical and systematic way. Language has a
hierarchical structure. This means that it is made up of units which are
themselves made up of smaller units which are made of still smaller units till
we have the smallest indivisible unit, i.e. a single distinguishable sound,
called a phoneme. Or we can put it the other way round, and say that single
sounds or phonemes combine together to make larger units of sounds, these
combine into a larger meaningful unit called a morpheme; morphemes combine to
form larger units of words, and words combine to form a large unit or sentence
and several sentences combine or interconnect to make a unified piece of speech
or writing, which we call a text or discourse. At each stage (or level), there
are certain rules that operate which permit the occurrence and combination of
smaller units. So we can say that rule of phonology determine the occurrence
and combination of particular phoneme, rules of word-formation cover the
behaviour of particular morphemes; rules of sentence-formation determine the
combination and positioning of words in a sentence. Each level is a system in
its own right. It is important to remember that, because of the existence of
rules at each level, we can analyse each level independently of the
other. This means that if we study one level, e.g. phonology or the
sound-system, we need not necessarily study another level, say that of
sentence-formation. We can study phonology on its own, and syntax on its own.
Although these levels are linked in that one is lower in the hierarchy and
another is higher in the hierarchy, and the higher level includes the lower,
still each level is independent because it has its own rules of operation that
can be described, analysed and understood.
We can represent these levels in the following manner, with each level of
analysis corresponding to each level of the structure of the language:
Levels of
Analysis Levels of Structure
Phonetics and Phonology SOUND
Letters (Graphology)
Pragmatics LANGUAGE
A careful look
at the above diagram will show that the levels of language structure are not
completely separate from one another. In fact, there are important and vital
linkages between the levels. In earlier studies, it was supposed that
phonology, the level of sound structure, had no link whatsoever with semantics
or the level of meaning structure. Now we know that links between these levels
are far more complex than we had earlier accepted. With regard to discourse, we
can see that it is made up of all the levels of language working together,
while semantics incorporates analysis of meaning at the level of both words
(word-meaning) and of sentence-meaning.
However, we can
study these links only after we describe and analyse structure at each level
separately. Thus Phonetics studies language at the level of sounds: How sounds
are articulated by the human speech mechanism and received by the auditory
mechanism, how sounds can be distinguished and characterised by the manner in
which they are produced. Phonology studies the combination of sounds
into organised units of speech, the formation of syllables and larger units. It
describes the sound system of a particular language and the combination and
distribution of sounds which occur in that language. Classification is made on
the basis of the concept of the phoneme, i.e. a distinctive, contrasted sound
unit, e.g. /m/, /
/, /p/. These
distinct sounds enter into combination with others. The rules of combination
are different for different languages. Though phonology is considered to be the
surface or superficial level of language (as it is concrete and not abstract
like meaning), there are some aspects of it such as tone which contribute to
the meaning of an utterance.

studies the patterns of formation of words by the combination of sounds into
minimal distinctive units of meaning called morphemes. A morpheme cannot be
broken up because if it is, it will no longer make sense, e.g. a morpheme ‘bat’
is made up of three sounds: /b/ /æ/ and /t/. This combination makes up the
single morpheme ‘bat’ and if broken up, it will no longer carry the meaning of
‘bat’. Words can be made up of single morphemes such as ‘bat’ or combinations
of morphemes, e.g. ‘bats’ is made up of two morphemes: ‘bat’ + ‘s’. Morphology
deals with the rules of combination of morphemes to form words, as suffixes or
prefixes are attached to single morphemes to form words. It studies the
changes that take place in the structure of words, e.g. the morpheme ‘take’
changes to ‘took’ and ‘taken’––these changes signify a change in tense. The
level of morphology is linked to phonology on the one hand and to semantics on
the other. It is clear in the above example of ‘take’ that the change to ‘took’
involves a change in one of the sounds in this morpheme. It also involves a
change in meaning: ‘take’ means the action ‘take’ + time present and ‘took’
means the action ‘take’ + time past. So morphological changes often involve
changes at the levels of both sound and meaning.
Syntax is the level at which we study how words combine to form phrases, phrases
combine to form clauses and clauses join to make sentences. The study of syntax
also involves the description of the rules of positioning of elements in the
sentence such as the nouns/noun syntax phrases, verbs/verb phrases, adverbial
phrases, etc. A sentence must be composed of these elements arranged in a
particular order. Syntax also attempts to describe how these elements function
in the sentence, i.e. what is their role in the sentence. For example, the word
‘boy’ is a noun. However, in each of the following sentences, it functions in
different roles:
(a) The boy likes cricket
(b) The old man loved the boy.
In sentence (a), it functions as the subject of the sentence
In sentence (b), it functions as the object.
A sentence should be both grammatical and meaningful.
For example, a sentence like ‘Colourless green ideas sleep furiously’ is
grammatically correct but it is not meaningful. Thus, rules of syntax should be
comprehensive enough to explain how sentences are constructed which are both
grammatical and meaningful.
Semantics deals with the level of meaning in language. It attempts to analyse the
structure of meaning in a language, e.g. how words similar or different are
related; it attempts to show these inter-relationships through forming
‘categories’. Semantics tries to give an account of both word and sentence
meaning, and attempts to analyse and define that which is considered to be
abstract. It may be easy to define the meanings of words such as ‘tree’ but not
so easy to define the meanings of words such as ‘love’ or similar abstract
things. This is why semantics is one of the less clearly definable areas of
language study.
An extension of
the study of meaning or semantics is pragmatics. Pragmatics deals with
the contextual aspects of meaning in particular situations. As distinct from
the study of sentences, pragmatics considers utterances, i.e. those
sentences which are actually uttered by speakers of a language.
Discourse is the study of chunks of language which are bigger than a single sentence.
At this level, we analyse inter-sentential links that form a connected or cohesive
text. Cohesion is the relation established in a sentence between it and the
sentences preceding and following it, by the use of connectives such as ‘and’,
‘though’, ‘also’, ‘but’ etc. and by the manner in which reference is made to
other parts of the text by devices such as repetition or by use of pronouns,
definite articles, etc. By studying the elements of cohesion we can understand
how a piece of connected language can have greater meaning that is more than
the sum of the individual sentences it contains.
In addition to
these levels of linguistic analysis, we also study Graphology which is
the study of the writing system of a language and the conventions used in
representing speech in writing, e.g. the formation of letters Lexicology
studies the manner in which lexical items (words) are grouped together as in
the compilation of dictionaries. Linguists differ according to what they
consider as included in the scope of linguistic studies. Some consider
the proper area of linguistics to be confined to the levels of phonology,
morphology and syntax. This can be called a Micro-linguistic perspective.
However, some take a broader, or macro-linguistic view which includes
the other levels of analysis mentioned above, as well as other aspects of
language and its relationship with many areas of human activity.
Branches of Linguistics
The core of
linguistic studies is the study of language structure at different levels as
discussed above. In the growth of modern linguistics as an autonomous field of
knowledge, it has been necessary to emphasize this aspect of linguistics, since
no other field of study describes language structure systematically and
completely. However, there are many areas of human activity and knowledge in
which language plays a part and linguistics is useful in these areas. The study
of language in relation to the many areas of knowledge where it is relevant,
has led to the growth of many branches of linguistics. Thus the scope of
linguistics has grown to include these branches.
Like other
sciences, linguistics has a ‘pure’ or ‘theoretical’ aspect which is concerned
with the building of theories about language and with description and analysis
of particular levels of language such as phonology and syntax without regard to
any particular applications that these may have. It also has an ‘applied’
aspect which is concerned with the application of that knowledge in areas such
as the learning and teaching of languages, or correction and improvement of
speech disorders, or in helping us to appreciate the use of language in
literature. Thus, ‘applied linguistics’ covers many of the branches of
linguistics that explore the practical application of the theories, concepts
and analyses provided by linguists. All the applications are first and foremost
based on a thorough description of languages. As Pit Corder writes:
Whether it is speech therapy, psychiatry, literary criticism,
translation,... what all these fields of application have in common is the
necessity for descriptions of the various languages involved.
Various branches of linguistics have grown because
language is intimately related both to the inner, world of man’s
mind and to the outer world of society and social relationships. Each of
these aspects has led to the study of psycho-linguistics and sociolinguistics
(a) Psycholinguistics
Since language
is a mental phenomenon, it is mental processes which are articulated in
language behaviour. Psycholinguistics studies these mental processes, processes
of thought and concept formation and their articulation in language, which
reveal a great deal about the structures of human psychology as well as of
language. ‘Cognitive’ psychology is the area which explores how meanings are
understood by the human brain, how syntax and memory are linked, how messages
are ‘decoded’ and stored. Psycholinguistics also studies the influence of
psychological factors such as intelligence, motivation, anxiety etc. on the
kind of language that is understood and produced. For instance, in the case of
errors made by a speaker, there may be psychological reasons which influence
comprehension or production that are responsible for the occurrence of an
error. Our perception of speech sounds or graphic symbols (in writing) is
influenced by the state of our mind. One kind of mental disability, for
example, results in the mistakes made by children in reading when they mistake
one letter for another (Dyslexia). Psycholinguistics can offer some insights
and corrective measures for this condition.
is concerned with the learning of language at various stages: the early
acquisition of a first language by children and later stages in acquisition of
first and other languages. Psycholinguists attempt to answer questions such as
whether the human brain has an inborn language ability structured in such a way
that certain grammatical and semantic patterns are embedded in it, which can
explain how all human beings are capable of learning a language. This
exploration may lead us to determining whether all the languages in the world
have some ‘universal’ grammar that lies in the mind of every human being and is
transformed in particular situations to produce different languages.
Psycholinguistic studies in language acquisition are very useful in the area of
language teaching because they help teachers to understand error production and
individual differences among learners and thus devise appropriate syllabi and
materials for them. One specialized area within psycholinguistics is
neurolinguistics that studies the physiological basis of language and language
disorders such as aphasia, loss of memory, etc.
relation of language with mind is that of logic. It was held by some ancient
philosophers that the human mind is rational and capable of thinking logically
and, therefore, language too is logically ordered and rational. Others held
that, just as irrationality is present in the mind, irregularity or anomaly is
present in human language. Since then there has been a debate about the nature
of language and the relation between language and logic. One of the problems
discussed by philosophers of language is whether language can be
an adequate medium for philosophical inquiry. Since all our thoughts are known
to us through language, we must examine the kind of language we use when we
approach philosophical issues and analysis.
(b) Sociolinguistics
The branch of
linguistics that deals with the exploration of the relation between language
and society is known as sociolinguistics, and the sociology of language.
Sociolinguistics is based on the fact that language is not a single homogeneous
entity, but has different forms in different situations. The changes in
language occur because of changes in social conditions, for example, social
class, gender, regional and cultural groups. A particular social group may
speak a different variety of a language from the rest of the community. This
group becomes a speech community.
Variation in
language may occur because the speakers belong to a different geographical
region. Taking the example of English, we find that it is not a single language
but exists in the form of several varieties. One kind of English is called R.P.
(or Received Pronunciation). This kind of English is used in the south west of
England and particularly associated with the universities of Oxford and
Cambridge and the BBC. It is an educated and formal kind of English. But there
are other varieties of English, such as the English that is spoken in the north
of England, in Yorkshire and Lancashire; in Scotland (Scottish English); Wales
(Welsh English), etc. A less educated variety of English is that spoken by
working class people in London often called Cockney English. Then there are the
varieties of English spoken by people of different countries around the world,
e.g. American English, and Australian English.
is the study of language variation and change––how varieties of language
are formed when the speakers belong to a geographical region, social class,
social situation and occupation, etc. Varieties of a language that are formed
in various geographical regions involve a change in the pronunciation as well
as vocabulary. Such changes result in the formation of a distinctly different
variety of the language or a dialect. Sometimes these changes may be
present within the same geographical region due to the social differences
between different economic sections, e.g. working class and aristocracy. These
changes result in class-dialects.
In sociolinguistic studies, we consider the linguistic
features of these dialects, e.g. syntax variations such as ‘I’ve gotten
it’ or ‘I ain’t seen nothing’ and lexical variations such as ‘lift’ (British
English) to ‘elevator’ (American English). The study of the demarcation of dialect
boundaries across a region and of specific features of each dialect is called dialectology.
One dialect may be demarcated from another by listing a bundle of features
which occur in a particular region. The point at which a certain feature (of
pronunciation or vocabulary) ceases to be prevalent and gives way to another
feature is a dialect boundary or ‘isogloss’. Dialects may acquire some
importance and prestige and evolve into distinct languages. This usually
happens when they are codified, e.g. in written and literary forms, and their
grammar and lexicon is standardized. Usually this happens when the dialect is
given political and social importance. That is why it is said ‘A language is a
dialect with an army, and navy’. Sociolinguists chart the evolution of such
Variation in
language may also be due to the specific area of human activity in which
language is used. Again taking the example of English, this language is used in
different fields—of law, religion, science, sports etc. In each of these areas
there is a specific vocabulary and manner of use of English, which defines the
legal language, the scientific language etc. This variety of language according
to its use, is called register. Sociolinguists examine the
particular characteristics of different registers, i.e. legal register,
scientific register, etc., to see how these differ. This kind of study is
useful because it enables us to understand how language-use is tied to a social
context. The notion of register is important in showing that language use in
communication is not arbitrary or uncontrolled, but is governed by rules of
situational and contextual appropriateness.
The sociology
of language includes the study of attitudes to language held by social groups,
for instance, they may consider some languages or dialects as more (or less)
important. It includes the planning of language education, e.g. which languages
should he the medium of instruction, which language should be taught as second
language; and language policy, i.e. which languages are legally and
constitutionally recognised and what status they are given. The sociology of
language is thus linked with other aspects of our social world, the political,
economic, educational, etc.
(c) Anthropological Linguistics
The evolution
of language in human society and its role in the formation of culture; is
another aspect of language society and culture, this is studied in anthropological
linguistics. The structure of language has a social and cultural basis in
the same way as other customs, conventions and codes such as those related to
dress, food, etc. Each culture organises its world, its own way, giving names
to objects, identifying areas of significance or value and suppressing other
areas. Language becomes a way of embodying the world view and beliefs of a
culture, and the things that culture holds sacred; for example, a culture in
which family relationships occupy the most significant position will have many
kinship terms in their language, with each relationship specified by a
particular term. If you compare the kinship terms in English such as
grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt, etc. with kinship terms in Urdu, you
will find that there are many more such terms in Urdu specifying particular
relationships such as a paternal / maternal grand-father. Similarly, terms
specifying colours, emotions, natural phenomena, and so on are differently
organised in every culture, and reveal a great deal about that culture. The
study of these specific cultural elements is called the ethnography of a
culture. A specific way of communication in a culture is thus studied as the
ethnography of communication.
studies have explored the relation between language and culture. Language is
invented to communicate and express a culture. It also happens that this
language then begins to determine the way we think and see the world. Since
this language is the means by which we understand and think about the world, we
cannot go beyond it and understand the world in any other way. This is the view
expressed by the linguist Whorf whose hypothesis is that we dissect
nature along the lines laid by our native language. There is still a debate
about this, but it is true that to some extent we are hound to see the world
according to the terms specified by our own language. These aspects of language
and culture are still being discussed by anthropological linguists,
philosophers of language and ethnographers.
(d) Literary Stylistics
The study of
variation in language and the use of language in communication has also led to
new ways of studying literary texts and the nature of literary communication.
If you consider again the notion of register discussed above, you may realise
that register is in fact a kind of language that is considered appropriate for
a particular subject matter, e.g. the style of a religious sermon, the style of
sports commentary. Similarly we may use this notion to describe the style of a
literary work. That is, we may describe its features at the levels of
phonology, syntax, lexis, etc. to distinguish it from other texts and to
appreciate how it achieves some unique effects through the use of language.
This kind of study is called literary stylistics.
writers use the system of language in their own way, i.e. they create a style.
This is done by deliberate choice (e.g. out of a whole range of
words available, they choose one which would be particularly effective), sometimes
by deviation from or violation of the rules of grammar (e.g. ‘he danced
his did’ in Cummings’ poem). Poets and even prose writers may invert the normal
order of items in a sentence (e.g. ‘Home is the sailor...’) or create a pattern
by repetition of some items (e.g. the sound /f/ in ‘the furrow followed
free’). By these and other devices, they arc able to manipulate language so
that it conveys some theme or meaning with great force and effectiveness.
In literary
stylistics, we read the text closely with attention to the features of language
used in it, identifying and listing the particular features under the heading
of ‘lexis’, ‘grammar’, ‘phonology’ or ‘sound patterns’. When we have obtained a
detailed account of all these features, we co-relate them or bring them
together in an interpretation of the text. That is, we try to link ‘what is
being said’ with ‘how it is being said,’ since it is through the latter
that writers can fully express the many complex ideas and feelings that they
want to convey. Stylistic analysis also helps in a better understanding of how
metaphor, irony, paradox, ambiguity etc. operate in a literary text as these
are all effects achieved through language and through the building up of a
coherent linguistic structure.
Nature of Linguistics
Linguistics is
not a difficult subject. There are several points which at times put the
beginners into trouble. These troubles are nothing, but the terminology. The
beginners have to do with the difference between the lay attitude towards language
and the orientation of the specialist. When the linguist distinguishes between
language and writing, the beginner at the elementary stage confuses the two. He
feels that the “spoken language” and the “written language” are nothing, but
two different manifestations of something fundamentally the same. He also
thinks that writing is more important than speech, when the reverse is true.
Man has been speaking for millions of years but writing is a recent invention.
Even today there are a, large number of people who are illiterate. But there is
perhaps no human community without language.
We know from
our experience that a child learns to speak his language at an earlier stage
than he learns to read and write. He gradually develops his vocabulary for
saying things. The relationship between writing and language is close. A child
is to transfer the vocabulary fitted to writing. Spoken words can be heard, but
not seen. When they are composed of letters, they can be seen, but not heard.
The teacher helps the child to develop those abilities.
In teaching
English much of the time is taken for the problem of “correctness.” The
linguist is not particularly interested in such questions. In using language,
he may be a purist or not, but his ‘special concern is analyzing language. As
an analyst of language, he is bound to observe and record ‘incorrect’ forms as
correct ones if the language with which he is working makes such distinction. The
bond between language and literature is very close. The literary artist works
in the medium of language “just as the painter works in the medium of colours
and the composer in that of sounds.” Therefore the study of the language must
not be confused.
There is a
false notion of the relationship between language or grammar and logic. According
to this any usage which is not “logical” is wrong. For example “he don’t” is;
illogical and “he does not” is logical. From this point of view grammar and
logic are close. So far as linguistic is concerned the “logical” approach to
languages is quite narrow. We do not use language only to know the facts. We
use it for lies as well as truth, for non-sense as well as for sense, for
persuasion a well as for instruction, for entertainment as well as for
business, for making war as well as for making love. “Language is as broad and
deep as the whole fabric of human existence.”
The following are some important natures of
(i) Like human body,
language is a complex system. A human body functions because of different
organs like the heart, lungs, brain etc.
Similarly the language system functions because of words, structures,
sound etc.
These are the most important parts of a language. We cannot express
ourselves by the help of only one of the elements of language, i.e., sounds,
words of structures. All these are inter-linked.
(ii) In language learning
speech is the fundamental thing. Reading and writing are secondary.
(iii) Language works through
symbols, which are the words. For example, the word “pen” is not a “pen,” it
stands for a “pen.” Therefore the symbols used in a language must be known to
both the speaker, the listener, the reader and the writer.
(iv) Language is not an inherent
biological function of man. It is acquired through learning.
Language is learnt through practice and habit formation. Rules and definition
of grammar cannot help for the development of language of a child.
(vi) According to Ben Jonson,
“speech is the instrument of society.” A society cannot b thought of without
language. Hence the important purpose of language is communication.
(vii) Language does not remain in a
vaccum. It exists in the speakers. It is related to the culture of a particular
(viii) Language is flexible,
changes from time to time go on in respect of speech sounds, grammatical
features, vocabulary etc. Therefore, in language teaching, we should not be